Fracking Over the Pond: In the UK

Seismic fracturing, aka fracking, is controversial in the U.S. Proponents say the natural gas drilling method creates jobs and reduces reliance on foreign oil; opponents say it’s a filthy polluter and the consequences of it have yet to be known because not enough research has been done and not enough regulation is in place. The links from The Telegraph and The Guardian below are not direct responses to each other, but they are two sides of a coin, Should Britain follow the U.S.?

Torries: Do you realise fracking is nastier and messier than wind turbines? – Jenny Jones, The Telegraph

Why the UK should embrace fracking – Chris Breitling, CFO, Breitling Energy Corporation, vis a vis The Guardian

News UPDATE, Jan. 13: PM Cameron promises tax boost as incentive to drill – BBC News

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